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  • Why I Decided to Row Solo Across the Atlantic

    November 10, 2024 2 min read

    Why I Decided to Row Solo Across the Atlantic

    I’ve been staring at this Blog title for a good while, now, and I’m still not sure where to start: what’s interesting, not boring, and maybe inspiring even?

    Sod it, I’m just gonna dive right in. Please excuse me if this story goes from here to there and back again.. There’s a lot to cover, but I’m not going to get to it all here – there will be gaps – I’ll fill them with little videos or extra blogs or something later. Ok?

    Sooo, the short answer is this: I met a bloke called Henry Cheape last year, who happened to be training to go row himself across the Atlantic. And I thought – hells, yeh! – I can do that!

    Oh Henry – what have you done!

    In case you don’t know him, Henry runs the amazing farm shop and total foodie heaven, Balgove Larder, just outside of St Andrews in Fife.  He’s a dad, and a husband, an entrepreneur, a farmer, and an all-round properly top dude. 

    Until that meeting with Henry, I’d always believed that rowing an ocean was for the super-hero elite, winners of the genetic-lottery type humans; and certainly, MOST DEFINITELY NOT for the likes of an almost-fifty year old, five foot’nothing, exercise-avoiding, wonkily-built mum who knits a lot… 

    And whilst Henry has a lot more in common with the former type of person in the paragraph above, than the latter; he didn’t look at me like I had two heads when I confessed that I’d LOVE to cross an ocean all on my own. 

    So – in true “Milli” style, I decided there and then, to make like Henry, and go row the Atlantic Ocean.
    ...continue reading at Milli's rowing website:

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